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Token Board

Token Board



Age Range

Early Childhood & Primary

App Type

Learning App

Version Reviewed


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Bloom's Thinking Process
CreatingBlooms Creating
EvaluatingBlooms Evaluating
AnalysingBlooms Analysing
ApplyingBlooms Applying
UnderstandingBlooms Understanding
RememberingBlooms Remembering
Add own pictures
Add own voice
Add own text
Review Comments
Token Board is a very quick and effective way to reward students. Children earn a token each time they complete a task or activity. The child can select the token pictures (from bugs to trains to dinosaurs) and the background of the board.
Number of chores or tasks: This app allows you to add as many chores or tasks as you want. You can save your token board into a list. The list is text based and organised alphabetically. This list could be used by multiple children.
Picture of chore or task: You can add a picture of the task the child should be doing. You can also Token Board as a first-then board by showing two pictures.
Maximum tokens awarded per task: Children can earn between one and 18 tokens.
Reward: When the student has earned all of the tokens there are 12 positive sounds they can hear. Alternatively, you can record your own finished sound.
Password Protection: This is not available in this app.
Use Rank (*)
Reward Systems Ranked 5th of 26
Counters Ranked 1st of 6
Top Apps for Psychologists Ranked 6th of 15
Top Apps for Occupational Therapists Ranked 11th of 14

(*) This app has been ranked according to its' effectiveness to achieve the learning goals and strategies listed. Some apps may rank highly for achieving a specific use and lower for other uses. Some students will learn and engage with one app more than others, because of the individual nature of us all.

Learning App
Learning apps are designed for a specific purpose. The authors claim to teach a goal, skill or concept.
Bloom's Thinking Process
Bloom's Taxonomy is classification system used to explain the behaviours important in learning. Apps range from simple memory tasks such as flashcards apps through to creative apps which ask students to create an original story or video.
Bloom's Creating
The student creates new ideas, products or ways of viewing things. Activities include making, animating, designing, constructing, planning, producing and inventing.
Bloom's Evaluating
The student justifies a decision or course of action. Activities include counting to check, hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting and judging.
Bloom's Analysing
The student breaks the information into parts to explore understandings and relationships. Activities include explaining, ordering, inferring, comparing and organising.
Bloom's Applying
The student uses the information in a new situation. Activities include implementing, carrying out, using, illustrating, classifying and categorising.
Bloom's Understanding
The student comprehends the new information. Activities include describing, predicting showing understanding use a multiple choice.
Bloom's Remembering
The student recalls information they know. Activities include matching, 'fill in the blank', making a choice, answering using a multiple choice, naming a group.
Learning Connection
How well does the app teach the targeted skill or concept? This is the area where we refer to current research and pedagogy to evaluate the efficacy of the app.
Authenticity looks at the manner in which skills are learnt. Authentic apps use real life or genuine activities. Students learn in context rather than in a contrived or rote fashion (such as flashcards).
Feedback needs to be specific and result in improved performance. Feedback should be supportive and encouraging rather than negative. Data should be available to support decision making.
Differentiation is the ability to customise the app to suit the student. The ability to record you voice, customise text, add pictures and alter settings enables individualisation of the app.
User Friendliness
User friendliness is a measure of how well a student can use the app independently. Some apps are simply intuitive to use. Others include audio or visual prompts which support the student.
All apps are engaging the first time they are played. However, students with diverse learning needs may need to return to the app many times. Motivating apps offer rewards,games or incentives.
Reward Systems
Reward systems encourage positive behaviours. They can be used to reward social skills, organisation and completion of tasks. An example is a token economy where children earn tokens, stickers or stars for positive behaviours. These tokens are later exchanged for rewards. Also see Calendar apps.
Counters can be used to count the number of positive behaviours e.g. To count the number of times the student asks for help. Counters help a child to self-monitor their own behaviour. They are useful for learning social skills and positive behaviours.
Top Apps for Psychologists
This is a list of the Top Apps for Psychologists
Top Apps for Occupational Therapists
This is a list of the Top Apps for Sensory Skills and Social Skills

Domain Score Details
Learning Connection 4
Token boards are useful for rewarding a wide range of social and behavioural goals. This app is visually uncluttered and a can be customised to suit the individual child. I personally use it everyday as it is so quick and easy to set up.
Authenticity 3
Evaluating: The child can use this to self monitor their own behaviour. They simply press the token to record when they have completed a task or behaviour.
Feedback 2
When the child taps on a number it turns over to reveal the token they have earned.
Differentiation 4
You can add your own activity pictures and reward sounds. It would be nice to be able to add a final reward for completing the board.
User Friendliness 4
The ease of use for both children and adults is one of the best features of this app.
Motivation 4
My students love token board. They can quickly see how they are progressing. They enjoy tapping on the numbers and seeing their token appear.
From the App Store
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Zorten Software, LLC

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Developer's Description
Token Board is a customizable tool for kids to track goals and earn rewards. It can be difficult waiting to earn the things they want without something concrete and visual. Using our customizable Token Board they can see how close they are to achieving goals. Children choose from seventeen colorful tokens, sixteen backgrounds and a variety of sounds to announce they have completed a task. Upload images and record your own voice so they know what they are working for or use two images for an “If I..., then I can...” scenario.

Designed for children with special needs, Token Board is also great for young children of all abilities. New boards can be made quickly and on the fly to try out with someone new. Having boards stored on your iPad also makes them easily transportable and more discreet when used.

Key features:

Create, save and edit multiple boards
Earning capacity of 1-18 tokens
Upload one to two images per board
Seventeen colorful token images to choose from
Sixteen different backgrounds
Record your voice to encourage or remind children what they work for
Choose to play music or your voice when all tokens are earned.

Disclaimer: The evaluations and rankings information provided here are based solely on the opinion of the author and are for informational purposes only. Families should seek professional advice before making decisions regarding interventions for their child.